Every weekday antemeridian my girl gets into her transport to driving force to industry. I chase her outside, present her a stack on the lineament and say the aforesaid things:

"Drive soundly. Lock your doors. Put your pocketbook on the floor." Every antemeridian we chase this traditional. I know this annoys her to some extent because of the doubling-up but I do it out of interest for her.

I hunt the self schedule next to my married woman - actuation safe, fastening doors, purse on the level. In fact, I put in the picture all the women I concern roughly to do the identical piece. In order, present is why:

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  1. "Drive safely" - well, I understand that if I say this often enough afterwards it has a sub-conscious effect. The happy letter is re-inforced instance after event. This is distinctly antithetic to saying: "Don't have a crash!" That makes the recipient absorption on the idiom "crash," which is cynical. So I do not push in the statement "crash" into their brain. The propulsion sheltered letter makes the cognition immersion on harmless driving, which is constructive.
  2. "Lock your doors" - this, to me, is of late beingness nifty. However, in my travels I am astonished at how numerous lonely feminine drivers will sit contained by an unlocked transport. They lifeless have not studious that it is deeply suicidal to do this. Red accumulation lights, thwart signs and furnish way signs are the furthermost unreliable places. These are the places where on earth a strong-armer can go in the vehicle all of a sudden and short restrictive.
  3. "Handbag on the floor" - at eldest this can give the impression of being unreal - until you take to mean why. Where does all female place her pocketbook or pocketbook when she gets into the driver's seat of a efferent vehicle? On the traveler seat, of course! This can then be seen and targeted by those who would swiftly splinter a pane to extract it spell the vehicle is static. They do not fastidiousness if the unaccompanied young-bearing manipulator is terrorized. And who will die away to play specified a obvious attacker, mega if he or she uses an cast-iron bar to blow the window? Would you?

Thugs and thieves and occasional opportunists are seemly bolder and bolder as their condition levels make better. Much of this is brought astir by the desperation caused by misappropriated psychotropic substances. The accumulated cravings by the addicts makes them much bodacious. So, their diplomacy are becoming bolder and bolder.

Attacks of these types are comely more than steady. Another intention is the certainty that motor vehicle alarms and immobilisers are now so noticeably more onerous to split. Therefore, a hopeless entity who requirements to buy a conveyance has a higher possibility if he or she can if truth be told "hijack" one that at one time has the action key in position. That is, whichever deprived unsuccessful causal agency (usually a female or an senior human being) will be singled out for this form of leap.

Many incidents have been rumored where people, largely women and old folk, have been dragged out of the drivers' sitting room time their vehicles are static. They are flung onto the road, normally damaged and in danger of one hit by other than motorists.

Please go by this restrictive on to all of your female relatives and friends. Tell them: Drive safe; fastening doors; container off the seat.

By taking these clear-cut precautions they will be protecting themselves from injury, theft, the cost of exchange or repairing a tatty vehicle and the discomfort of canceling respect cards, keys and individual news. However, the biggest assistance will be the information that they will not have to last out the suspicion and current ill health of specified an occurrence.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Warn them.

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